Thursday, November 23, 2006

Alright!! 2 exams in a day... finally over!!

well, not as bad as i feared... in the end both papers are do-able papers...


biz law next... now's the time to start studying!!!!!!

i love studying, i am a geek, i love studying, i am a geek

haha i think i'm crazy liao...

hmmm looks like i'll be working during the holidays!! big big money!!! hahahaha

Monday, November 20, 2006

i hate to post another depressing story ....


hahahaha, 2 down, 3 more exams to go!

I LOVE discussing the accouting exam questions cos the discussion make me realise my mistakes and HOW MUCH MORE i can learn from it...

yup yup... positive ah... hahahahahha

Thursday, November 16, 2006

met a friend who's studying in australia yesterday...

still the same old him, the same old smile, the same old humour

still as cheerful, still as friendly, still as "kiam pa"


exam status: 1 down, 4 more to go....

i wonder how is everyone doing now... oh well....

sometimes i really wonder if studying hard getting a good grade then a job is really the way to go..... even though i have been telling my brother that for the sake of his o levels... somehow i don't really seem to think this way!

true, a good degree is necessary, but does it really gurantee you your financial well-being?

i'm not satisfied, and am always looking for ways to earn more money. sadly, i was that close to signing up for something that i'll regret... i'm glad that i didnt... hmmm i wonder how is he doing now...

greed really drives pple to do stupid things. I know that firsthand. It is really a thin line between ambition and greed.

so will i settle to graduate with an accountancy degree and get a stable job?

or will i be doing something else?

i have no idea, cos all the exams are clouding my goal now...

"so, what have you achieved for your dreams?" the "kiam pa" kia asked

seriously, no concrete plan yet. I suppose talking is so much easier than doing it.

the first and the hardest step is to take action. How many of us are in a "ready, aim, aim, aim...." mode?

the time's not right, the opportunity is not good enough, the pple's not right, the capital's not ready, the market is not ripe, i am very busy, i am not ready....


what do you think will happen after i finish this post? yup, i'll go back to my studies and probably hide this at the back of my head.

Not that studies are not important. It is very important. But what about your goals? are you cruising through life with no particular goal in mind?

Looking back at my 21 years of existence, I think so. The path so well trodden by countless people before me.

I think it is important to know what you are doing, to know what are your goals. Only then, can you be ever happy at what you are doing.

Sorry for the long winded and incoherent post.... seriously, i wonder who actually reads all this shit... why don't you tag me so that i know? =) haha

Saturday, November 11, 2006

You know you're fucked when

1) you're surfing the net for more "information" when you should be studying

2) you're blogging on a Sat morning in hall when you should be studying

3) you had a breakfast in hall that lasted 2 hours ("aiya, breakfast more important," i say)

4) 4 more days to the exams and i still "relax la, brother"

5) STILL TYPING ON THIS POST even after all that i typed in hope that the inner geek in me will wake up his blardy idea

ok, back to study.

Friday, November 10, 2006


haha, my tutorial mates are real crazy...

it is really a waste that I didn't really spend alot of time with them... perhaps I was too absorbed in my world...

Really, relationships with people are so much more important... and yet money and studies always take precedence...

Without money, how can you be happy? how can you afford the things that will make u and your loved ones happy?

Without education, how can you survive in Singapore? how can you achieve the knowledge that will make you succeed in life?

WIthout relationships with other people, who can you share your wealth and success with?

the paradoxes of life...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

"If you don't have a car, you can never jio a girl."

is that really true? =)

haha, dunno la... i suppose i'm lucky lor

Exams, exams exams... how long has it been? 2 and a half years man... haha

how is everyone doing? frankly i'm not doing so well... i am always not focused... discipline has really been lacking these few weeks...

after the exams, a new challenge awaits!!