Monday, August 14, 2006

My dreams

Finally i'm a NTU student now! i know this sounds stupid, but i WAs really TOUCHED when i received my matriculation card!!



The truth is, I'm really lucky to be in NTU accountancy. The vice dean said that after my year of enrolment(in 2004 i think), the minimum grade is at least a 3 As!!

Oh man... better treasure my place here and study hard!

Do you guys believe that a good university degree will get you a good job? Do you want to work until you retire? How can you be rich even without working?

I must admit that I am influenced by wealth gurus like Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Robert Kiyosaki and even our very own Adam Khoo! I sincerely believe that beside working at a full time job, there are other ways to earn money too, like investing (NOT speculating), setting up your online business, real estate etc.

However, I have seen my Dad slog so hard for my family. His advice to me is: stuy hardm get a good degree, get a well paying job and stick to it. Learn to live below your means. Save money. Don't invest as it is risky. Being rich has alot of problems. It is not just my Dad who tells me that. Practically everyone I know and respect dishes out similiar advice from time to time. Their well-meaning advice has been ingrained in my mind, and I have (GASP!) even started to dislike richness!

How can I bear not to listen to my Dad's advice and see the look of disappointment and frustration in his eyes? How can I just shake off the financial conditioning of my upbringing and indirectly tell my elders that their money beliefs have been wrong all the while?

Definitely, a good degree is important. It surely makes your name card look impressive! However, I really wonder if I am able to work for 30 years, always looking forward to the next paycheck?

So, this is my resolution. In my 3 years in NTU, I will study hard to get a good degree, and I will make sure that I will create 2 streams of income by the time I graduate. Impossible? Very likely, but to quote from my JC, Passion creates Possibilities!

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