Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New JOB!

Everytime someone ask me what am I doing now, I always contemplate what to tell them. Reason?

A typical conversation
friend: so, what are you doing now?

me: oh, i'm working...

friend: really? what do you do?

me: oh, i call up people and sell my courses to them...

friend (suddenly become very scared): OOHH, issit MLM???
inches away from me...

me: NO LA .... it is.....

then i will explain... haiz... it's quite funny sometimes... lol ... it's true that MLM do not have a very good image to begin with, thus it is natural for people to be suspicious...


don't be afraid of me my friends! i'm not doing MLM!!

i'm actually selling courses to kindergarten teachers or potential ones. As you may know, kindergarten teachers need to have a certificate or diploma to be able to teach. I provide such courses... In addition, the courses will be funded up to 90% if they meet a certain criteria...

if you're interested to know more you sms me (for those who have m hp no) or you can tag me...

so if anyone of you knows someone who will be interested in taking up a course for preschool teaching ( cert or diploma), do tag or sms me okie? successful referrals(meaning those referred whose aplication is approved and payment is made) will get a cut from my own commission...

trust me... your cut (which can at least buy you and your partner dinner at Marche) can be easily earned! ;)

alrite... actually putting this in my blog is not a very clever thing to do... since there aren't many pple who even know i have a blog... haha... anyway just in case...

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