Sunday, March 25, 2007

i have great plans for the weekend, intending to utilise every minute of it catching up with my homework. Alas, once at home, my laziness creeps in and wasted a beautiful Saturday away!

I admire those people with discipline to be up to date with their work. I think that it has become such a addictive habit for me to "relax" over the weekend that I just can''t seem to break the momentum. Humans are creatures of habit, and it is really hard for me to embrace change.

Goals set, but put aside. Statements made, but left forgotten. How I wish I can alter my brainwaves to focus on the important and essential things, and not read comics, take afternoon naps, watch anime, surf the internet and blog!

well, i'll probably have more time to blog after the exams... OH SHIT EXAMS!!


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